
The General Conference has three organizational layers: congregational, district, and Conference, each with its ministries, services, and responsibilities. This makes for a simple organizational [...]

Welcome, Jazmin!

Meet Jazmin Novak, our new web administrator for the General Conference. Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Jazmin earned her bachelor’s degree in computer science from Northeastern Illinois [...]


The Lord of Sabaoth is still busily reaping souls for the kingdom of heaven. This was abundantly clear on June 2 when nine members and friends in the Calgary CoG7 publicly declared their [...]

District Conference

The churches in Eastern Canada gathered May 17-19 in Kingston, Ontario. It was their first in-person meeting since 2019, when the pandemic prevented churches from meeting. Through technical [...]

Experiencing God

West Coast District Women’s Ministries hosted a women’s retreat May 17-19 at a private retreat center in Oakhurst, California. More than 100 women attended. This year’s theme was “Experiencing [...]

Eugene Family Camp 2024

The Eugene congregation participated in their second annual family camp May 24-27 at the Sis-Q Meadows facility in southern Oregon. Sixty-two attended. Morning and evening devotions were led by [...]

Men’s retreat.

“Ethics and Integrity of the Man of God” was the theme of this year´s men’s retreat, held May 26-28 in Oakhurst, CA. Surrounded by the impressive nature created by God, participants listened to [...]

Couples retreat.

Eduardo Villalba and his wife, Socorro, directors of the couples ministry at the El Paso, TX church, sponsored a couples retreat May 17-19, in Bonita Park, NM. Guest speakers were Efrain Perez [...]

Renewal for the Race

Attendees representing four states gathered for the seniors retreat, held April 26-28 near Joplin, Missouri. “The Amazing Race” was a time of renewal. Among other things, it changed our [...]

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