In Churchright, News, Newsletter

Our General Conference Convention rolls around every two years. This summer is the off year, but in 2025 our convention will be in full swing with the theme “Engage.” There are so many words for the ways we can do that!

What captures your attention as you consider attending convention? Are you absorbed by some of the same reasons as we are?

At each convention, we involve ourselves as members of our good organization by taking care of business. We partake in opportunities to be discipled in our walk with the Lord. We are fascinated by the company of dear friends and loved ones, many of whom we haven’t seen since the last convention. We enter into precious vacation moments with family and friends and are attracted by the grandeur of an area of the country we may not have seen before.

Most important, we immerse ourselves in worship together, mirroring the grand reunion that will one day draw us into eternity and the reality of never leaving again!

Whatever reason draws you, we pray your desire to participate will come to fruition and that, by God’s grace, we will see you in Salt Lake City June 30 – July 5, 2025. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Registration information will be available in early January 2025. Stay tuned to our publications and website ( for lots of good information to allure you.

No matter how we say it, we hope you will engage with us at Convention ’25! Prepare for this event, and draw your heart to worship. Catch the vision of this amazing celebration as we anticipate our gathering!