A powerful day of worship, unity, and inspiration took place at the Arizona Super Sabbath in Phoenix, AZ, on December 14. Churches gathered from Phoenix, Mesa, East Valley, Monte Sinai, Vegas [...]
Our Southwest District Women’s Retreat was held in Burnet, TX, on December 6-8. Over 200 women gathered for a powerful weekend of worship, fellowship, and growth focused on the theme [...]
On December 28, the El Paso church celebrated a Coffee of Remembrance. At the end of the service, members gathered in the church dining room where they enjoyed refreshments and worship. They [...]
The Area 6 Super Sabbath at Tree of Life church in El Paso, TX, inspired great blessings. On December 13-14, we gathered for a powerful weekend of worship, fellowship, and growth. The theme “The [...]
As we’ve wrapped up our winter youth camp here in beautiful Jasper, AR, our hearts are full — but also a little sad that it’s come to an end. December 26-29, we hosted over 50 incredible young [...]
Over 200 men attended the Southeast District Men’s Retreat November 15-17. Wilmer Ortiz (Tampa, FL), Claude Ricketts (NW Atlanta), and Juan Villeda (LaBelle, FL) delivered sermons based on the [...]
The Southeast District held its annual youth retreat at Camp Mikell December 20-22, in the beautiful Georgia Mountains. Over 200 youth and youth leaders attended. Special speakers Moises and Pete [...]
Derick Jaramillo, his son, Daniel Jr., and his father, Francisco, shared the Word at our men’s retreat held October 4-5 at King’s Camp in Chana, IL. Having focused on the theme “Take Your Place,” [...]
The Dakotas Family Camp was held August 16-18 at the Living Waters Retreat Center in Arlington, South Dakota. It brought together brothers and sisters from congregations in North Dakota, South [...]
The Hammondville church held its annual hayride on October 19 at Kenneth and Jimmie Pell’s farm. They have hosted this event for more than 30 years! We all enjoyed visiting with our church family [...]