The congregation once known as Warsaw Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana (pastored by Eloy Celis), is now the Bowser Avenue church, having acquired a bigger building. District Superintendent Heber Vega performed the dedication service.
On Friday evening, June 18, Minister Vega preached a challenging sermon based on a Sabbath school quarterly lesson, “The Character of a Disciple.” He stressed that the congregation must reach out to their new community.
On Sabbath morning, Pastor Wilmer Arias, a member of the Northeast District board, preached on “Let Us Build the Temple of God.” Along with congregational singing, several groups and families presented special worship songs.
Other members of the district board stood with Minister Vega as he dedicated this building. Joining them were pastors and elders Eloy Celis, Julio Guerra, and Benjamin Chavez (Bowser Avenue) and Manuel Santoyo and Pablo Sanchez (Lafayette Street).