Financial Reports

The General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) is recognized by the U.S. government as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, but that only explains its taxable status. More importantly is its mission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, introduce others to the Lord, teach them to obey His Word, and nurture spiritual growth in all believers. The financial resources provided by member churches and individuals give the organization the wherewithal to pursue this mission.

In an effort to provide transparency into the General Conference’s fiscal management, we are providing regular financial reports here on this page. These are summary documents that give a general view. More detailed reports can be provided upon request to

Description Action
Annual summary report, March 2018 Description
Annual summary report, March 2019 Description
Biennial overview report, 2015–2017 Description
Audit Report,  2015 – 2017 Description
Financial Statements – September 2019