In Churchright, News, Newsletter

The North American Ministerial Council (NAMC) convened in Dallas, Texas, October 28 – November 2. The meeting was attended by licensed and credentialed ministers, local pastors, local leaders, pastors’ spouses, observers, and delegates from Guatemala and the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation. We sincerely thank everyone who contributed to the success of this meeting, including the pastors from the Dallas area.

The 2024 meeting of our council took the following actions:

• Elected to a two-year term: Daniel Flores as president, Wayne Hrenyk as vice president, and Monico Muffley as secretary.

• Elected to a four-year term on the License and Credentials Committee: David Lozano, Jhabel Chagollan, and Eddie Villalba. The other four members are Steve Kyner, Noe Reyes, Andy Hassen, and Wayne Hrenyk.

• Elected to a two-year term on the Nominating Committee: Santiago Chavez, Ronald Rousseau, and Allo Sanchez.

The council received reports from the License and Credentials Committee, the Committee on Ministerial Ethics, and the Committee on Sexual Harassment and Abuse Policy. Additionally, they received presentations on the role of elders and the CoG7 International Federation. Various amendments to the NAMC bylaws were approved. New committees were established to conduct studies on three Bible topics, which will be presented at the next two council meetings.

A notable and heartfelt moment during the council meeting was the Pastoral Appreciation segment.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the pastors’ spouses who attended this council. They convened daily to listen to the Word of God and engage in collective prayer and activities. On Sabbath, thirty volunteers cared for seventy children. It was a fun-filled event full of Bible learning, and a play about Jesus captured their attention.

Approximately 950 attendees participated in the closing exercises on Sabbath, which included fellowship, worship, and sermons emphasizing Jesus Christ as “the Faithful Witness.”

Church of God (Seventh Day), let us remain committed to fulfilling the mission and ministry entrusted to us by the Lord Jesus, bearing faithful witness to the gospel of God’s grace.

God bless you.

Daniel Flores

NAMC President