
ChurchRight Current Issue: April - May 2024

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Phyllis Ann Weekes

1939 – 2021

Phyllis Ann Weekes (or Phil, as she was known by her husband, Hubert) died at age 81, on April 21, 2021. Just before her death, she resided in Long Island, New York. Born in Adrian, Michigan, on November 23, 1939, Phyllis one of sixteen children in the home of Allen H. Hayford and Luella Mae (Bennett).

Phyllis completed her high school education at Spring Vale Academy in Owosso, Michigan. She went on to study at Midwest Bible College in Stanberry, Missouri, and worked in the institution’s publishing house. Soon after, she became the dean of girls at her boarding high school alma mater.

Later, Phyllis met Hubert Worley Weekes (from Trinidad and Tobago) in Texas at a General Conference Convention, and they married on August 3, 1969, in Houston. The couple moved to Bronx, New York, and then on to Long Island, where they raised five children together. They were married for 39 years, until they were separated at Hubert’s death.

After working as the director of arts for the aged, Phyllis became a substitute teacher and taught for many years. She was the students’ favorite sub and was given numerous awards from the school district for her work in the classroom. Substitute teaching was important to Phyllis because she could work with children, and the job enabled her to be home when her children returned home from school each day.

As a pastor’s wife, Phyllis supported her husband in doing the Lord’s work. The two of them worked side-by-side in Brooklyn, New York. She held various positions in the church, but the one dearest to her heart was finding exciting and engaging ways to teach the children’s Sabbath school classes.

In addition to living in New York, Phyllis and Hubert resided in several other places over the course of their marriage: Missouri, Trinidad and Tobago, Florida, Michigan, and Oklahoma. They later added two more children to their family.

Phyllis was known for her British-type humor with traditional American jargon. She was talented in a number of areas. Her hobbies included traveling, playing the harmonica and accordion, collecting musical instruments, homesteading, making recyclable arts and crafts, crocheting, doing macrame, knitting, and acrylic and oil painting. She said that her greatest achievement was getting her “MRS. degree,” after being married to her best friend.

Phyllis was the mother of Debbie, Marcia (Richards), David, Heidi (Khalil), Priscilla, Autumn (Willess), and Tabitha (Boyles); grandmother of Tiffinnie, Alexander, Keziah, Elisabeth, Isaiah, Elijah, Anicah, and Immanuel Weekes, Kanaan, Kinesa, Malachi, Emerald, and Jubilee Khalil, Gregory Blackshear, Hadassah, Alexandria, Zion, and Ezekiel Albert, Issaac Willess, Elijah, Lily, Zendayen, and Tinuviel Boyles; great-grandmother of J’Shaun Saunders, Lexi Weekes, Enmber, Noah, and Markany Khalil, and Lucas Self; sister of 14 late siblings, save one: Shirley Beverly.

Footage from her Celebration of Life can be found here:

Annual Board of Directors Meeting

The General Conference’s board of directors held its annual winter meeting in Dallas, Texas, February 18-21. Board members are Dennis O’Banion (chairman), Kirk Grant (vice-chairman), Wayne Hrenyk (secretary), Greg Lincoln (treasurer), Ruben Beard, Narciso Betances, Ron Cummings, Tim Endecott, Daniel Flores Jr., Neftali Hernandez, Raul Romo, and Reuben Zaragoza.

General Conference President Loren Stacy and Executive Director Jody McCoy also attended the entirety of this meeting. Accountant Dawn Wayman and Communications Director Jamin Teran attended portions of the meeting to make presentations to the board.

Our board of directors wields all of the authority of the membership when the membership itself is not gathered to conduct the business of our church, with one exception: The board may not amend the General Conference bylaws. During its annual winter meeting, the board receives reports, requests, and recommendations from the president and the staff he leads. It also considers the state of the General Conference as a whole and evaluates the president’s performance during the previous year. The president is accountable to the board for everything that takes place in the districts, GC Ministries, and departments. The membership delegates responsibility and authority to the board of directors, and the board delegates responsibility and authority to the president and directs him by means of board policies. Additionally, the board perfects and adopts a budget for the GC and its Ministries for the upcoming fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).

In even-numbered years, the board also considers the president’s appointments of Ministries directors and district superintendents. During its February meeting, the board confirmed the appointments of Makayla Ross and Loren Gjesdal as co-directors of Artios Christian College, Keith Michalak and Jason Overman as co-directors of Publications, and Bryan Cleeton as director of Missions Ministries. It also approved all of the current district superintendents: Orville Rose (Western Canada), Larry Zaragoza (West Coast), Ronald Rousseau (Central), Chip Hinds (Southwest), Aubrey (Bill) Williams (Eastern Canada), Heber Vega (Northeast), and Steve Krome (Southeast).

Board of directors meetings always include daily time for prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. With God’s guidance and blessings, 2024 is bound to be another good year.

— Loren Stacy

GC President

Robert Coulter Visits Board

A highlight of this February’s meeting of the GC board of directors was a visit by former board chairman and president of the General Conference, Robert Coulter. Now 93 years old, Elder Coulter briefly met with the board during the final minutes of its Sunday session. Current GC President Loren Stacy led the board in prayer, thanking God for Elder Coulter’s long life and service to our church.

Elder Coulter and his son, William, then accompanied most of the board meeting participants to a cordial dinner at a nearby restaurant. Though using a walker to help him get around, Elder Coulter remains mentally sharp and interested in the General Conference’s progress.

License and Credentials Committee

This year the License and Credentials Committee met in Houston, Texas. With two members of the committee living in Texas and the board meeting in Texas the following week, this arrangement worked well.

We talked to ten candidates, some of whom were looking for ministerial recognition and others who were seeking elevation.

The L&C Committee has a great responsibility in deciding who is ready, or not, for the level of ministry they are applying for. On one hand, some decisions are difficult. On the other hand, the committee enjoys hearing the enthusiasm and love of the Lord expressed by these applicants.

The fellowship of working with the guys on the committee is such a privilege and joy. These meetings take a lot of prayer and, in some ways, endurance. We trust God for wisdom, insight, and strength.

While we would love to give a ministerial document to every man who comes to us, to do so when a person is not qualified or ready would be harmful to all involved, including the candidate. A bad experience at the beginning of a ministerial tenure is not good for a person wanting to be in the ministry. It could discourage him to the point that he may never recover and may discontinue the ministry. Having someone too inexperienced in the pulpit or the parsonage can badly damage, or even destroy, a local church.

It is important for the ministry candidate to realize that a setback now, like not getting a ministerial document, can make for a wonderful, fruitful, and fulfilling ministry in the future — if he takes it the right way.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest”
(Matthew 9:37, 38, ESV).

— Steven Kyner


Celebrating Marriage

The marriage retreat organized by Jorge and Brenda Martinez, with the participation of the Las Vegas church, attracted more than 60 couples from four states: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The event took place January 12-14 in Las Vegas, Nevada, and turned out to be a blessing-filled experience.

During the retreat, the couples enjoyed moments of fellowship and communion. They also participated in workshops and heard inspiring testimonies. The workshops, led by Daniel and Kerenha Flores, were especially edifying for the couples. They left the event with a deep desire to place Christ Jesus at the center of their married lives.

The experience left all participants with a sense of joy and renewed determination. Many expressed interest in returning next year to continue strengthening their marriages.

Growth in Eugene

God’s church is growing, and the Eugene church is experiencing growth as well! New families and individuals are joining us in Sabbath worship and Bible study. Children and babies are being raised to be godly men and women. And sons and daughters are returning to their faith in Christ.

On Sabbath, February 24, we had the privilege of celebrating together in the baptism of Robert Watkins. Robert was baptized as a young person, served the Lord awhile, and then followed his own path for many years. We praise the Lord with his family that Robert has rededicated his life to Christ and wanted to be baptized again to confirm his rededication.

We are blessed to have Robert and his family fellowshipping here in Eugene. May the Lord bless him as he lives for Christ: “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15, NKJV).

Welcoming Churches.

On January 20, more than 200 brethren gathered at New Hope church in San Antonio for a Welcoming Churches workshop, presented by Moises and Pete Capetillo of Albuquerque, NM. This workshop is one of three General Conference Initiatives. We are thankful to Pastor Michael Mancha and his congregation for organizing this event. It brought the Area 1 churches together to honor God, worship His holy name, and learn about becoming the kind of church God wants us to be. The entire Sabbath was Spirit filled and enriched with strong, sweet fellowship. It’s easy to book a Welcoming Churches workshop at your local church. See page 7 for more information.


The Central church in El Paso celebrated its 27th anniversary on December 30, 2023. The members thank God for all the time He has been by their side and for allowing them to continue worshipping in their building. The congregation also celebrated their brothers and sisters over the age of 65, concluding with a celebratory dinner hosted in their honor. It was a blessed night of fellowship!


Fellow “newborn” brethren in the El Paso church were baptized January 6: Francisco Sandoval, Abel Hernandez, Mary Anne Pinon, and Luis Meras. They all said goodbye to the old man and hello to their new creation in Christ. The congregation was truly blessed to witness these baptisms and is incredibly happy to see them join the body of Christ.

Declutter Your Heart

“Declutter Your Heart” was the 2024 theme for the women’s groups in our district. Wanting to serve in Spirit and truth makes us search our hearts to rid them of clutter. Many groups had their services planned through March.

It is awesome to see each group’s impression on how the theme should be presented. Ladies from these congregations have participated or will participate: Saginaw, Owosso, and Fort Wayne-Bowser, Michigan; Ossining, New York; Lanham, Maryland; Fort Wayne-Lafayette; Bridgeport, Connecticut; and United CoG7.

Get Ready for Salt Lake City!

While there’s no GC Convention coming up this summer, you can help us plan for a big 2025 reunion!

Join your friends from the US and Canada as we congregate in Salt Lake City, Utah, June 30 – July 5, 2025.

Assist us in conducting Church business.

See some new sights! You can float in the great Salt Lake, check out Park City (www.visitpark
), where the winter Olympics were held in 2002, and take in the many national parks in Utah, including Zion and Bryce Canyon.

Enjoy the unity of the Holy Spirit as we worship our Lord together.

Start saving your quarters now! (Yes, it used to be pennies, but you know how inflation goes!) Watch for updates in this publication and on our Facebook page (

— GC Convention Committee

Timothy Johnston

1955 – 2024

Timothy Lee Johnston was born September 9, 1955, in Ponca City, Oklahoma, to Philip and Glea Johnston. He passed from this life on March 13, 2024, at age 68.

Tim received a bachelor of science degree in architectural studies and a master’s in architecture from Oklahoma State University.

After graduation, Tim worked for the School of Architecture for a couple years as a research associate on earth-sheltered homes and other alternative energy areas. During this time, he met the love of his life, Carolyn Siddens. Tim and Carolyn were married May 17, 1981.

After accepting a job in Tulsa in 1982 with a startup software company, Tim went on to work in various software companies doing customer support, training, documentation, and part-time IT work. He did full-time IT work over the last fifteen years or so of his career.

One of the benefits of doing a lot of remote training was traveling to many of the northeast states, Canada, and England for several weeks. Carolyn was in England some time with Tim, and they did a lot of exploring by train.

Family vacations around the US were a priority during Tim’s growing-up years. The focal point was to get back to the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado. This love to explore God’s creation and key historical sites in the US continued with Carolyn, the girls, and grandkids.

Photograph and video editing were areas of fun and focus. Tim did youth camp videos, funeral celebration videos, and around 25 wedding videos for friends and family.

Tim was a member of the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Tulsa for 40-plus years. He tried to serve and help in whatever role was put before him: teaching, youth work, technology (from website to video streaming), event photographer, treasurer, building construction, building cleaning, and the board of elders. The Church’s teachings, including the seventh-day Sabbath rest, were a great delight to him.

Tim is survived by his wife, Carolyn, and his daughter, Anna Lewis; his brother, Tod; six grandchildren (Lydia Tollette and husband Cody, Eion Rigney, Natalie Rigney, Colton Lewis, Seth Barthelme, and Faith Bartheleme); one great-grandson, Jason Tollette.

Tim was preceded in death by his parents, daughter Janie Hanson, and her husband, Matt.

Jerry Morgan

1944 – 2024

Jerry Phillip Morgan died unexpectedly on February 12, 2024, and is now at eternal peace. He was 79.

Jerry was born in California to Gwyned and Jewel (George) Morgan in April 1944. They moved around a lot because of his dad’s work with the military, but he spent most of his childhood in Oklahoma and Alaska and graduated high school in 1962 in Fort Greely, Alaska.

After college, having majored in English, Jerry worked for General Motors, where he became a master plumber and pipe/steam fitter. He retired after 26 years.

Jerry became a pastor in the Church of God (Seventh Day) and served in South Dakota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Arizona. He achieved certificates in evangelism and extensively studied Hebrew to enhance his understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

During his time with us, Jerry had several plumbing contractor licenses in each of the mentioned states, and had his own plumbing business, giving financial breaks to the elderly. He was a master guitarist and loved to teach it.

Jerry had a lot of hobbies. He loved sports and was a diehard Green Bay Packers fan. In his younger years, he played many sports and could throw a mean knuckleball. He always tried to make people laugh with his numerous jokes, stories, and humorous replies. He also loved Mexican food and was famous for his guacamole.

Jerry was preceded in death by his parents; daughter Jerrica Barber; brothers-in-law Berton VanSickle, Leo Potts, and Alvie Beck; previous wife, Sharon (Cincurak); and daughter-in-law Yayoi Morgan (Fujime).

He is survived by his wife, sisters Yolanda Beck, Carol Vansickle-Potts, Lisa (David) Barker, Eddie Jo Macomber Gregurich, and Shannon Macomber; brother Tony (Glenda) Morgan; sons Jerry Morgan II, Laron (Lisa) Morgan, Bill (Shelly) Cincurak, Franklin (Sharon) Morgan; stepson David Caster and son-in-law Chad Barber.

Jerry also had many grandchildren: Saori (Keita) Kanda, Ayumi (Tommy) Vigil, Arisa (Yuki) Kawai, Christopher (Erica) Morgan, Sarah (Andrew) Morgan, Brianna Morgan, Mathias Morgan, Kristin (Cole) Zaun, Heather Cincurak, Alexis Morgan, Justen Barber, Te’a Barber, Hailey Barber, Summer Barber; and many great-grandchildren, nephews, and nieces.

Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation

Last November, delegates representing Church of God (Seventh Day) conferences from around the world met in Nigeria for the International Ministerial Congress (IMC). There they ended the IMC by replacing it with the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation. The primary purpose of the IMC was to foster doctrinal harmony among its member conferences and coordinate their evangelistic efforts. The focus of the newly founded International Federation is, in addition to doctrinal harmony, a global church administration.

The bylaws of the Interational Federation (IF), perfected and adopted in Nigeria, provide for an IF board of directors consisting of three elected officers (president, secretary, and treasurer) and an additional four elected board members. The three elected IF officers are Robert Crawford (president, England); Bryan Cleeton (secretary, United States); and Chip Hinds (treasurer, United States). The four additional elected board members are Whaid Rose (United States), Daniel Flores (United States), John Klassek (Australia), and Gustavo Hultgren (Argentina).

As was the case with the IMC, affiliation with the International Federation is voluntary, and it comes with certain responsibilities. With the IMC, these included agreement with its bylaws, including the official doctrinal statements of the IMC, and participation in its financial support. The affiliated conferences of the IF have similar responsibilities. One improvement, however, is that the financial responsibility of each IF-affiliated conference is specifically stated: 1.5 percent of the tithes and undesignated offerings received at the conference level of each conference and one annual conference-wide offering for the IF, like the IMC Sabbath offerings we have been encouraging for many years. As a result, the financial obligation of our General Conference may amount to less than we have voluntarily been giving to the IMC for years! (Don’t worry. If you love to financially support the work of our global church, nothing prevents us from giving more than we are obligated to give.)

Since the end of the November IMC meeting in Nigeria, the Church of God (Seventh Day) is truly a global church!

— Loren Stacy

GC President

Hayride in Hammondville.

The Hammondville, AL church held its annual hayride on October 28 at the home of Ken and Jimmie Pell. The event included a tractor hayride for all and pinatas for the kids. Around 60 members and guests attended and enjoyed a great dinner, events, and fellowship.

Connecting to Jesus.

The district youth retreat was held at Dayspring Conference Center in Parrish, FL, December 20-24, with 150 youth, young adults, and chaperones from thirteen churches attending. Guest speaker Wesley Perine (TX) preached on the theme “Connected: The Right Source.” Worship music, sound, and visuals were provided by our Lakeland, FL church, and Sabbath morning worship was provided by the Tarboro, NC youth. Our Sabbath afternoon Y2Y (Youth 2 Youth) time included participants from six churches and a young man’s testimony. Sabbath evening, we had breakout sessions with the older youth, led by Sharon Modeste (South Miami), and the younger youth, led by Patrik George (Port St. Lucie). Many youths came forward in a call to keep their lives connected to the “right source,” Jesus Christ.


The Stone Mountain church held a baptism service on October 28 at Lake Lanier, GA. It was conducted by Pastor Apen (conference president, Guatemala) and his son, Pastor Walter Apen (Stone Mountain). Congratulations to these brothers and sisters: Haynes Vicente Sontay, Gerson Velasquez Roblero, Kevin Apen Villatoro, Jasmine Diaz Roblero, Yohana Perez Roblero, Albertina Diaz Diaz, Marta H. Roblero Roblero, Marluiver Gonzales Perez, and Rivel C. Roblero Martinez.

Unity in Youth

On November 11, we hosted a youth rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with about 95 youth and young adults coming from Connecticut, Maryland, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

The day was memorable and impactful. Youth and young adults came together as one body, united in their pursuit of a deeper relationship with God.

Led by the Winchester church, the powerful worship service set the tone for the rest of the event. Mark Sullivan’s and John Camero’s messages resonated with everyone, challenging us to be authentic in our faith and seek a genuine connection with the Father.

Sports activities in the gym built relationships and created lasting bonds. Everyone displayed camaraderie and sportsmanship. Whether playing basketball, volleyball, or even dodgeball, people enjoyed the atmosphere filled with friendly competition.

A campfire fellowship was the perfect way to end the day. Sitting around the fire, singing songs, playing games, and simply enjoying each other’s company created a sense of community and belonging. It was a time of laughter, deep conversations, and building connections that will last beyond the event.

We are grateful to all the volunteers and participants who made this youth rally a success. Together, we created an environment where young people could encounter God, grow in their faith, and form genuine relationships with each other. We are already excited for the next rally and the opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship.