Pastor Search

The Owosso Church of God (Seventh Day), located on the campus of Spring Vale Christian School, is seeking a full-time senior pastor. This man will be called by God to become the spiritual leader [...]

Youth retreat.

The Southeast District held its annual youth retreat at DaySpring Conference Center in Parrish, FL, December 17-19. The theme was “Who You Say I Am.”  Presentations were made by Patrick George [...]

IMC service.

The International Ministerial Congress (IMC) service conducted November 6 in Zone 1 was a blessing as we celebrated God’s work. With Elder Whaid Rose leading the service, we learned about the [...]

Super Sabbath.

Area 1 hosted its last Super Sabbath of the year November 12-13. Using the theme “Peace in the Storm,” Brother Gustavo Salcido and Brother Daniel Flores encouraged us to trust in and rely on our [...]

Pastoral support.

On November 14, pastors, their wives, the church board/committee, and Area 1 leaders gathered for a leadership meeting at our sister church, North Dallas in Carrollton, TX. Brethren heard the [...]

100 years-plus.

On December 10, via social media, our sister church in Fairview, OK, shared her unique story of God’s faithfulness since 1894. If you would like to know her story, please visit our YouTube [...]

Evangelism Training 

The Southwest District held the kick-off evangelism training in Area 5 on December 10-11. West Coast District Superintendent Larry Zaragoza conducted a two-day session on how to present the [...]

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