William Harold Willhelm
1924 – 2025
William Harold Willhelm (100) of Campbellsville, Kentucky, was born in Mena, Arkansas, on September 17, 1924, to Fred and Bertha (Miller) Willhelm. He departed this life on January 29, 2025, at the Taylor Regional Hospital.
Harold was born into a Church of God (Seventh Day) family, and he retained the faith instilled in him as a young child until his passing. He was a veteran of the United States Army, having served his country honorably in the Pacific Theater during WWII. His faith and religious beliefs wouldn’t allow him to handle firearms or ammunition, so his love for his fellow Americans was manifested through his care and compassion of the sick and wounded as a TEC 5 medical technician. It was a proud moment one day when he was allowed to draw the blood of General Douglas MacArthur. Harold became a proud member of the VFW Post 10736 in Denver, Colorado.
A man of many talents, Harold was hired at Montgomery Ward after the war, and he worked there over 36 years as an electrical technician. He was a noted instrumentalist, especially on the piano and violin, and will be long remembered as a genuine “MacGyver” due to his fix-it nature.
Harold was a loyal husband to Thelma Dell (Harris) Willhelm, who preceded him in death in 2020. But his true passion was his devotion to his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All who knew him, from a young boy to an aged man, were familiar with his love for the Bible and all its treasures.
Harold spent many a decade laying up his retirement where moths and rust cannot corrupt, nor where thieves can break in and steal. May he now enjoy the fruits of his labor for all eternity.
Harold leaves the following to cherish his memory: two children, Virginia Uhlir of Wisconsin and Lawanna Abell of Campbellsville; four grandchildren (Willie Abell, Manda Kelly, Jeff (Danielle) Uhlir, and Cheryl (Jim) Westfall; a brother, Glenn Willhelm of California; and a host of extended family members and friends.
Besides his wife, Harold is preceded in death by three siblings: Dale Willhelm, Frieda Howland, and David Willhelm.
Meditations on Time
I’m thinking about time . . . things past and things yet to come. I’m thinking about God’s sovereign control of time and of everything else. It’s comforting to know that God is in absolute control, not only of the “what” but also of the “when.”
Ecclesiastes 3:1 tells us, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (ESV). The verses that follow list familiar examples of those seasons: “a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; . . . a time to weep, and a time to laugh,” and so on (vv. 2, 4-8). The writer could also have written “A time to begin, and a time to end.”
The year recently past was challenging, and the year recently begun will bring its own challenges. Every year does. Last year was marked by a wonderful meeting of our North American Ministerial Council. This year will be marked by another wonderful General Conference Convention. (Have you reserved a hotel room and registered for the convention? See page 4 for details.)
Last year was marked by concerns regarding the November 2023 transition of the International Ministerial Congress into the International Federation of the Church of God (Seventh Day). This year, GC members may be given opportunity at convention to decide whether or not the GC remains affiliated with the International Federation.
Last year during the February board of directors meeting, Executive Director Jody McCoy and I gave notice that we will retire from our current positions effective the end of the 2025 GC Convention. This year we will all learn who our successors will be. (Please bless them with the same gracious and patient support you have given Jody and me.)
A certain pastor read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, thought about life, and observed that God’s timing is sovereign, God’s timing is seasonal, and God’s timing often is surprising. I think that pastor is correct. “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
— Loren Stacy
GC President
Super Sabbath.
A powerful day of worship, unity, and inspiration took place at the Arizona Super Sabbath in Phoenix, AZ, on December 14. Churches gathered from Phoenix, Mesa, East Valley, Monte Sinai, Vegas (English), Vegas (Spanish), Tijuana, Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, California, and Michigan. Under the theme “Engage,” Central District Superintendent Ronald Rousseau presented impactful messages. We are grateful for this unforgettable gathering of faith and fellowship!
Women’s retreat.
Our Southwest District Women’s Retreat was held in Burnet, TX, on December 6-8. Over 200 women gathered for a powerful weekend of worship, fellowship, and growth focused on the theme “Transformed.” Workshop leaders shared inspiring messages on the importance of being a transformed woman in Christ. As we left the retreat, our hearts were filled with renewal, refreshment, and a deeper understanding of God’s unconditional love. We’re grateful for the leadership of SWD Women’s Director Jessica Salazar, our incredible speakers, worship team, and volunteers who made this event possible.
On December 28, the El Paso church celebrated a Coffee of Remembrance. At the end of the service, members gathered in the church dining room where they enjoyed refreshments and worship. They praised God by singing hymns, joined by members of the worship team.
Super Sabbath.
The Area 6 Super Sabbath at Tree of Life church in El Paso, TX, inspired great blessings. On December 13-14, we gathered for a powerful weekend of worship, fellowship, and growth. The theme “The All Sufficient, All Satisfying Christ” inspired everyone. Pastor Esau Hernandez and Brother Josh Gutierrez, shared impactful sermons that reminded us of God’s unconditional love and guidance. We left feeling encouraged and uplifted, with a renewed sense of faith.
Youth camp.
As we’ve wrapped up our winter youth camp here in beautiful Jasper, AR, our hearts are full — but also a little sad that it’s come to an end. December 26-29, we hosted over 50 incredible young people from Michigan to Texas, all united by a desire to grow deeper in their faith and connect with one another. Centered on the theme “Same God,” youth enjoyed passionate worship, challenging messages, and enlightening workshops. They also enjoyed delicious food, games, crafts, hayrides, and a fireside service Saturday night. Though the days were filled with adventure, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime, we know that the true impact of this camp will be seen in the days and weeks to come as our youth return home, equipped and inspired to shine God’s light in their communities. To our amazing campers, volunteers, and staff: Thank you for being part of this special experience!
Men’s retreat.
Over 200 men attended the Southeast District Men’s Retreat November 15-17. Wilmer Ortiz (Tampa, FL), Claude Ricketts (NW Atlanta), and Juan Villeda (LaBelle, FL) delivered sermons based on the theme “Fight the Good Fight.” Worship music was provided by musicians from Lake Worth and Tampa, FL, and Stone Mountain and Baxley, GA. Saturday evening specials were led by Tereso Hernandez. Special thanks to Pastor Walter Apen (Men’s Ministry coordinator) and his committee of Wilmer Ortiz and Tereso Hernandez. The next retreat will be at Camp Adrian, GA, October 24-26.
Artios Christian College
Late Fall 2024 Graduates
Arnulfo De la Cruz (Certificate of Leadership Studies)
Efrain Gomez (Certificate of Leadership Studies)
Fall 2024 Dean’s List Recipients
William Aba • Alex Baez • Pete Capetillo • Aaron Coulson • Dan Davila • Adiel De Leon • Uber Donis • Efrain Gomez • Karlene Green • Alirio Luna Sosa • René Marroquin • Pablo Martinez • Israel Pacheco • Elizabeth Perez • Jose Perez • Justo Perez Marroquin • Rebeca Ramirez • Jesus Velazquez
New Scholarship for International Students
We are excited to unveil a new scholarship just for our CoG7 students outside the US and Canada! The CoG7 International Scholarship assists Church of God (Seventh Day) students beyond the US/Canadian General Conference whose local church or national conference is affiliated with the Church of God (Seventh Day) International Federation. The scholarship provides up to 100 percent tuition for the duration of their academic program. Learn more at artioscollege.org/ sponsorship/.
We need partners to help fund this special scholarship. If you have a heart for helping our international brothers and sisters, consider assisting them in receiving the training they crave. There are three ways to donate:
• my.artioscollege.org/give (myArtios account required); select “Scholarship Fund”
• secure.cog7.org/giving/; follow directions and select “Artios- Scholarship Fund.”
• Personal check made payable to “The General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day),” with “Artios Scholarship Fund” written on your check’s memo; mail it to P.O. Box 33677, Denver, CO 80233.
Calendar Events
February 10 – Late Winter registration closes
February 16 – Late Winter classes begin
March 31 – Early Spring registration closes
April 6 – Early Spring classes begin
Late Winter classes
COM 121 Written Communication for Leadership
HIS 321 History of Western Christianity
LEA 111 Essentials of Vibrant Leadership
THE 201 Christian Theology (English only)
THE 202 Church of God (Seventh Day) Doctrines
Early Spring classes
COM 121 Written Communication for Leadership
BIS 104 History & Literature of the New Testament
LEA 155 The Essence of Life Coaching (English only)
LEA 331 Church Administration
WOA 311 Prayer Ministry
Register at my.artioscollege.org/ en/courses.
It’s Time!
Through the Bible Advocate, Churchright, and GC Facebook page, you’ve seen the information about what is in store at Convention ’25. Don’t worry. If you missed it, you can check the archives or find it at cog7. org/convention. (Keep checking the site; more info will continue being added!) Engaging workshops, exciting children/youth/young adult programs, important business sessions, inspiring worship services, tourist attractions, and more. However, all of this won’t be meaningful unless the seats are filled with people. That includes YOU!
Convention is not about the event; it’s about the memories. Memories you will make with friends, old and new. Experiences with your family. Collectively growing together as the body of Christ. Appreciating a new part of God’s creation in the beauty of Utah.
What else can we tell you about what Convention ’25 will be? We can’t. It will be up to you what you make it. So come “engage” with us in a week full of opportunities that you will turn into special memories. The stage is set. Come play your part!
Register now by going to cog7.org/convention. Hotel, meal, and event registration is available on the website.
Already registered? You can edit your own information through the same link. Signing up for at least one meal per person and registering for one of the convention hotels through the online link helps us save meeting room costs. The early registration discount ends April 30, so don’t miss your opportunity to save!
Important Convention Dates
April 30 – early bird convention registration ends
June 9 – deadline for hotel reservations; after this date, reservations made are not guaranteed to receive our convention rate
June 24 – deadline for meal tickets to be purchased
CoG7 101
If you are a member of the General Conference of the Church of God (Seventh Day) as it is organized within Canada and the United States, you probably are familiar with some of its basic components. To be a member of the GC, one must also be a member of a GC congregation and/or district. The GC also has three official and well-known Ministries (Artios Christian College, Publications, and Missions) and three additional departments (Communications, Information Technology, and Translation).
However, there is another key body within the GC that is not as well known: the North American Ministerial Council (NAMC).
Article X of the GC bylaws establishes the NAMC as follows: “Section 1. Identification. The ministers of the Conference shall be organized as the North American Ministerial Council. Section 2. Authorization. The Conference authorizes the Council to operate in accordance with its own bylaws. Section 3. Assignment. The Council exists to: A. Set forth the doctrinal teachings of the Conference; B. Interpret doctrine; C. Establish standards and qualifications for ministers of the Conference; D. Issue ministerial documents; E. Refer doctrinal studies to the International Ministerial Congress [now the International Federation]; F. Select delegates to the International Ministerial Congress [now the International Federation]; and G. Encourage, support and equip its members towards the fulfillment of the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20).”
The NAMC bylaws limit council membership to GC ministers with a ministerial license, a ministerial credential, or a local pastor certificate issued by the License and Credentials Committee. Those members holding a ministerial license or credential (active or retired) may participate in the discussions and vote during the NAMC’s meetings. Those holding a local pastor certificate may participate in the discussions, but may not vote. Also, certain areas of service are available to credentialed ministers that are not available to licensed ministers or ministers holding a local pastor certificate.
Read the report of the NAMC’s recent meeting on pages 6-7.
— Loren Stacy
GC President
The Salt Lake Scramble
Convention 2025 is inching closer every day! What do you need to know as you make your plans to come?
• Registration will open in early January. Be ready to secure your spot, grab some meal tickets, reserve a hotel room, and more. New this year: You can edit your own online registrations!
• With each registrant purchasing just one meal, we will receive our meeting rooms for a few thousand dollars instead of a couple hundred thousand (no joke!). It may not be a Happy Meal, but it sure will be a meal that makes everyone happy!
• Book a stay in one of our two convention hotels (without using your points). It helps us meet our contract in getting hotel rooms at reduced prices for everyone.
• At convention, there’s something for the whole family. Don’t leave anyone home!
• Bring some names and birthdates of your ancestors and see how big of a family tree you can build at the Family Search Library, just down the street from the convention center. It’s free!
• Flying in? Grab a cheap light rail ride right to your destination.
• Driving? Stay a few extra days and hit one or more of the five awesome national parks in Utah.
• Wanna float on the Great Salt Lake? You can’t do that just anywhere!
• Ready for some family fun? Grab a Connect Pass that gives you discounts to eighteen different local attractions.
• Looking for ideas to use your gifts and talents in ministry? There won’t be a shortage of those here!
• cog7.org/convention is the place to go for all things convention. Click on in!
Men’s retreat.
Derick Jaramillo, his son, Daniel Jr., and his father, Francisco, shared the Word at our men’s retreat held October 4-5 at King’s Camp in Chana, IL. Having focused on the theme “Take Your Place,” we all left with a sense of calling to take our place in the work of the Church. God bless all the men who attended!
Blessed in South Dakota
The Dakotas Family Camp was held August 16-18 at the Living Waters Retreat Center in Arlington, South Dakota. It brought together brothers and sisters from congregations in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Missouri. About 150 campers participated in this special time of hearing God’s Word, worshipping, and enjoying deep fellowship.
We were blessed with inspiring sermons from Pastor Tim Steinhauser on the central theme “The Light of Our Path.” A brother and sister from the St. Paul, Minnesota church were baptized by Pastor Ernesto Gómez from Guatemala – a special moment.
Pastor Oscar Mata, Central District representative, has testified about the abundant blessings God poured out during this camp.
Family, friends, and fun.
The Hammondville church held its annual hayride on October 19 at Kenneth and Jimmie Pell’s farm. They have hosted this event for more than 30 years! We all enjoyed visiting with our church family and members of the Chattanooga congregation. Superintendent Steve Krome and his wife, Allison, also attended. We enjoyed a delicious meal, and the children had fun with glow-in-the-dark sticks. We are so thankful to the Lord for granting us a beautiful evening with church family and friends.
Happy #100, Harold!
Family, friends, and neighbors visited Harold Willhelm at his home in Campbellsville, KY, for his 100th birthday September 17. He is the eldest child of Fred Willhelm, who was a CoG7 licensed minister, and was married to his wife, Thelma, for 71 years. A conscientious objector, Harold served as a medical technician on Guadalcanal and Tinian. We appreciate his witness as he both stood for Christ and served our country. The Willhelms shared their home with families and students attending ministerial training classes, and they encouraged many in their walk of faith.
— Wayne Hrenyk and Karolyn Forbes
Annual Hispanic Women’s Retreat
The Truevine church in Austin, Texas, hosted the 2024 Annual Hispanic Women’s Retreat, August 30 – September 2. Welcoming over 360 women from across the country, the retreat featured uplifting workshops led by speakers Araceli Robles, Eva Delgado, and Jocabed Martinez. It also featured beautiful worship sessions by the Truevine church’s worship team.
The event was marked by a profound sense of community and spiritual connection, with attendees feeling the presence of God throughout the weekend. We invite you to join us in prayer, asking that the blessings and inspiration received during the retreat will continue to guide and empower us in the days ahead.
Super Sabbath.
Joy filled the air as Area 6 brothers gathered in Albuquerque, NM, for an unforgettable Super Sabbath on September 28. Our district family met to worship and fellowship, with over 350 attendees celebrating God’s goodness. We give thanks to our loving heavenly Father for His unwavering guidance and blessings.