The Oklahoma Women’s Retreat, held March 22-24 at Dover Camp, was simply amazing! Sixty-four women attended and shared blessing after blessing, encouraged that “Jesus . . . My Refuge, My Strength” will be a firm statement to hold on to daily.
The Friday night meal, prepared by Jerad Ullrich and son, Patrick, started the weekend off with praise and uplifting encouragement. Moises and Pete Capetillo joined them and assisted with the remaining meals, and other gentlemen (husbands) helped out in the kitchen. Our thanks to you all for the graciousness with which you served.
On Friday after our evening meal, Sister Gail Anklam brought us together with a get-to-know-one-another ice breaker. It was followed with a devotion to begin our Sabbath worship. The praise team led worship in song throughout the weekend. We were blessed with all the songs — some new, some familiar. Beautiful voices blended in praise!
On Sabbath, Sister Wanda Taylor presented three workshop sessions, all with Psalm 28:7 as key verse. The weekend was so blessed and the fellowship sweet. Thanks to everyone who came!