The Owosso church held two events last fall under the outreach name Family 2 Family: in Laingsburg, September 10-11, and at the local township park in Shaftsburg on October 8-9. We handed out free winter items to those who came with needs, and provided food and drink to anyone who was hungry.
Many people from surrounding communities donated new and used items. We met other community-based charitable organizations we hope to work with in future projects that will benefit those in need.
In addition to these outreach events, we held a short outdoor service on Saturday, September 10. Over 40 from the congregation gathered to help set up, speak with recipients, and hold signs by the road. On October 9, we ended the day by going to a local hotel that houses many homeless people and families. We let them pick through what we had left so they could be blessed as well. All leftover items will be passed on to other charitable organizations to bless other individuals or families.