In Churchright, District News, News, Newsletter, Northeast District

The Owosso Church of God (Seventh Day), located on the campus of Spring Vale Christian School, is seeking a full-time senior pastor. This man will be called by God to become the spiritual leader of the Owosso congregation. He will lead it in fulfilling its collective mission of “living new life in Christ: united in love, devoted to community, passionate in worship, and compassionate in service.” 

The called and qualified candidate will be responsible to God and the church to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach the Bible, to provide Christian leadership in all areas of the church, and to engage in pastoral care for the congregation.

For details on submitting information and the qualifications of pastor, please contact Kevin Caswell, chair of the Owosso church board, at Submissions and letters of recommendation should also be sent via email to Kevin.