Membership in and affiliation with the General Conference bring many privileges. Members can fully participate in their GC-affiliated congregation and in the GC as a whole. They may participate in decision-making through discussion and voting. They may contribute their gifts and experiences in various ministries. And they may access services for themselves in ways non-members may not. GC-affiliated congregations receive similar benefits on an even larger scale.
Whether member or GC-affiliated church, within the Conference we have a home, a family, resources, and support not fully available to others.
We also have certain obligations. Membership obligates one to faithful church attendance and participation in church, district, and GC ministries and initiatives. A member should respect and faithfully follow and support the purposes, programs, doctrines, organizational structure, and bylaws of our church, and faithfully give tithes and offerings. Affiliation with the GC obligates congregations to fulfill all of these obligations and a few more.
Unfortunately, we hear of members and/or congregations enjoying their privileges but refusing to fulfill their obligations. Congregations and their leaders are responsible to address their unfaithful members. District superintendents and area representatives are responsible to address their unfaithful congregations.
The 2023 GC Convention motivates us to get our house in order regarding our members and affiliated congregations. A series of letters from our district superintendents were sent in January, reminding some of our congregations that their affiliation with the GC, and their members’ memberships in the GC, are in danger of being revoked because these congregations are not fulfilling their obligations. Is your congregation one of these? Is your personal membership in the GC in jeopardy? Ask your local and district leaders right away. Now, months before convention, is the time to make things right.
— Loren Stacy
GC President