We are the General Conference, the Church of God (Seventh Day) United States and Canada. We are one of many sister conferences that form the global CoG7. Within our conference, we have organized our work into three important areas of responsibilities.
Local congregations of individual Christ followers are the most important areas of our work. Organizations don’t evangelize and make disciples of Jesus Christ; people do! People who know and love Jesus, share Him with others, work with believers to fulfill God’s mission, support each other, and love as Jesus loves.
Our districts support local congregations. There are many things our congregations cannot do — or do as well — alone. So we’ve created seven districts within the US and Canada to help communication and collaboration among our churches. Working together as districts, our members and churches can provide support for local churches and leaders, multi-congregational worship and training events, retreats and camps for various groups, and much more. Our districts are key to the healthy flow of information among their congregations and throughout our entire Conference.
The General Conference as a whole provides or aids in things that neither a congregation nor a district can do, like the services and tools provided by our three GC Ministries: Artios Christian College (education, certifications, and degrees); GC Publications (Bible Advocate, Churchright, Sabbath school materials, etc.); and GC Missions (foreign and domestic evangelism and Christian instruction). The General Conference also establishes and funds the North American Ministerial Council (NAMC), the assembly of our documented ministers that determines the official teachings of our Conference.
Each of us gives most of our attention to the members, ministries, and programs of our own local congregation. But together, we are so much more!
— Loren Stacy