In my current world, zoom has a whole different meaning than the one in the dictionary. And while I am adjusting to it, I don’t like it! Zoom now means I work many different hours in Zoom meetings.
I sometimes teach a Sabbath school class by a Zoom connection at 9 a.m. on Sabbath. Then I preach at noon on Zoom with a church in another time zone in our district. During the week, I connect some evenings to local church Bible study groups. We meet often with local church boards on Zoom.
From January to March in this new year, I have had over 25 of these meetings in our “new normal.” These include meetings with the other superintendents and GC officers, board of directors, and NAMC. I have even joined in Zoom meetings with other countries. Some meetings have had well over 100 people connected.
Our Central District board met on March 21 via Zoom this year to plan activities for the rest of 2021 and into 2022. We set our budget (balanced) and planned some evangelism, Super Sabbaths, camps, retreats, and more. For now, our district Super Sabbaths will connect virtually with the Southwest District in their awesome Super Sabbath productions.
Our NAMC License and Credentials Committee met for two long 14-hour days and five straight evenings in February and March. We even had the option to hook up on Zoom from our homes to do a Lord’s Supper!
The Central District has no ministry pictures to share in this Churchright. Activities during the pandemic and this past year have been minimal. But most of our churches are back in meetings, and we hope that activity this late spring, summer, and fall will begin to return to normal.