Valente Gutierrez Perez

1930 – 2021 Brother Valente Gutierrez (91) was born May 20, 1930, in Guanajuato, Mexico. He went to sleep in the Lord on March 26. In 1951, Brother Valente migrated to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, with [...]

BAP needs your support!

Over the last year, we have faithfully provided material for the Church, but at a substantial deficit. We hope that in the coming months your tithes and offerings will help us through these lean times.

Follow His Plan?

The rallying cry of the Church of God (Seventh Day) United States and Canada is “Focus on Jesus and follow His plan.” But what is His plan? What does it entail? At least the following: “You shall [...]

Are You Faithful?

The SWD had its first Super Sabbath of the year February 26-27. Speakers were Pastor Barry Mauldin, Superintendent Chip Hinds, and Elder Antonio Vega, who urged the church to walk by faith and [...]

Training teachers.

The SWD’s children’s ministry started its teacher training workshops January 31 for all leaders who work with children in the district. This training will be yearlong, providing basic structures, [...]

Virtual marriage conference.

On February 7, the Marriage Ministry of the SWD held a virtual conference called “Biblical Sexuality,” led by speakers Zuri and  Raquel Gutierrez. Over 100 couples in this Zoom conference were [...]

Mini Super Sabbath.

The SWD children’s ministry held their mini Super Sabbath on Sunday, February 21, focusing on the theme “My Best Friend.” Children learned that Jesus is their best friend and that He is always [...]

Senior painting classes.

Every Thursday during January, February, and March the seniors ministry of the SWD has provided free painting classes for all our brethren in that demographic group. Folks from all over the [...]


In my current world, zoom has a whole different meaning than the one in the dictionary. And while I am adjusting to it, I don’t like it! Zoom now means I work many different hours in Zoom [...]

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