Focus on Jesus?

The rallying cry of the Church of God (Seventh Day) United States and Canada is “Focus on Jesus and follow His plan.” But what does it mean to focus on Jesus? It means to fix our attention on His [...]

United example

Area 3 hosted a Super Sabbath November 20-21 through our social media platforms. Speaking on the theme “Unity in Christ,” Elders Noe Reyes, Chip Hinds, and Daniel Flores urged the Church to be [...]

Rising up

On December 11-12, the district held its last Super Sabbath of the year, hosted by Area 1. Elders Calvin Burrell, Ramon Ruiz, and Ricardo Mendez encouraged the Church to wake up and rise up [...]

SWORD retreat

 The Wonder Worship Getaway SWORD retreat took place December 17-20 at Pineywoods Camp in Texas. Brother David Vasquez spoke on “Wisdom in Creation,” and on Saturday night brother Ruben Alonso [...]

Central District News

Contributors: Ken Lawson, superintendent, and Samara Harvey The Well: Serving Others In February 2016, the Marion, Iowa church held its first food pantry and clothes closet giveaway. The church [...]


Elder Oscar Mata, pastor in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, works long hours as a COVID-19 hospital chaplain. He is pictured here with Jose David Pineda, a longtime resident in Sioux Falls. In April [...]

Denver Staff Transitions

The first quarter of 2021 is bringing two significant transitions to our Denver office staff. First, Elder Eddie Villalba has recently announced his retirement from his positions as pastor of the [...]

GC Convention 2021

News has likely found its way to you regarding Convention ’21, but confirmation is given here. Unfortunately, due to COVID-related restrictions, the decision has been made to reschedule our [...]

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