What have CoG7 congregations been doing during this COVID-19 time? Though shut in, they have not been shut out of ministry! As church doors have closed, other avenues have opened. Read the exciting things God has been doing during this pandemic.
Contributor: Jamin Teran
SWD photos taken by SWD Media Ministry
Pastoral meeting
On April 23, 52 district pastors participated in a livestream session called “Accompanied by Jesus.” During the service, Elder Ramon Ruiz shared encouragement and support regarding the pandemic. Pastor Moises Capetillo translated the session, programmed by our SWD pastoral representative Daniel Flores. Superintendent Chip Hinds started the service with prayer, and GC President Loren Stacy finished with a blessing. Pastors will continue to hold services in the future to maintain a clear vision in these uncertain times. Thankfully, about 85 percent of our pastors and leaders in the district are livestreaming services during this pandemic.
SWD Coronavirus Resources
Media Team
The SWD Media Team developed several resources online for pastors, from Cares Act and all the paperwork to livestreaming instructions, and Online Resources for children, teenagers, and adults.
Leading during COVID-19: https://swd.cog7.org/covid-19/
Livestreaming: https://swd.cog7.org/live-streaming/
Online resources: https://swd.cog7.org/online_resources/
Children’s ministry is giving online music classes to those who want to learn an instrument during this time.
Superintendent Chip Hinds started his daily blog “From the Superintendent’s Desk . . . ,” with leadership encouragement, and motivational messages for pastors and leaders in the district. https://swd.cog7.org/encouragingwords_blog/