In News, Newsletter, Report

The L&CC met February 23-26 at the General Conference offices in Denver, Colorado. Here is a summary of what the committee members accomplished:

  •  Worked on motions from the NAMC about updating standards concerning sexual harassment and abuse, and ministerial ethics.
  • Updated internal guidelines and gave interviews for prospective ministers.
  •  Connected with GC leaders and workers who are so helpful and essential to their work: Loren Stacy, GC president; Samuel Holland, chairman of the board of directors; Israel Steinmetz, dean of Academic Affairs for Artios Christian College; and Makayla Ross, custodian of records for Artios.
  •  Granted one Ministerial Credentials document to Ramon Ruiz; four Ministerial License documents to Loren Gjesdal, James Hassen, Jose Fredy Mata, and David Melendez; and three Local Pastor certificates to Daniel Aleman, Jorge Herrera, and Edgar Rodriguez. The License and Credentials Committee welcomes these men to the ministry of the Church of God
    (Seventh Day)!

The L&C Committee used the newly remodeled conference room at the GC offices. We appreciate so much the friendly, welcoming atmosphere and the technical help for our video conferencing from Eddie Villalba (who did the remodeling) and Christopher Idemmili, our IT specialist, who kept the equipment working!
— Stephen Kyner

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